Getting Out in the World

Cora is a tired pup. Friday, she met the animal behaviorist who stressed the importance of socialization and Saturday we got busy. We’ve gone to a puppy meet-up, a park, hung out a work, the vet and the pet store. She’s met dogs and humans of the adult and child variety. She’s heard all sorts of sounds, gotten drenched in the smell of the pet store and found puddles to play in. Cora is becoming a puppy!

It’s amazing how small things can have such great impact. Seeing her wag her tail, for something besides dog food was great. When she wagged her tail for me, this fierce human, got rather mushy. Watching her walk towards people, wanting to say “hi” is exciting and hopeful. She’s not effusive. She’s still a Darned Independent Woman, but her world is broadening rapidly.

When we arrive some place new, she’s a bit loud and grumpy. To be honest, I feel that way too sometimes. New places can be hard for us quirky humans and we have a lot more control over our environment. Cora takes a few minutes but then she settles down. She doesn’t go charging about like a lot of puppies do, but she’s taking everything in through her ears and nose.

She’s gained a pound, some confidence and stronger legs since coming home. I’m gaining too. There’s a Jewish blessing for “strange creatures”. I’m not going to get all spiritual, but I believe there’s a sort of magic in opening ourselves to those that are so different. Today Cora met a big, gentle dog at the vet’s office. After a few moments of getting to know each other, she leaned her body against this big-hearted soul. Would that have happened, or been so powerful, if Cora wasn’t who she was? Cora is getting out in the world and she will leave her mark.

4 thoughts on “Getting Out in the World”

  1. Keep it up, Cora! I love your story telling, mom. It sounds like you’ve found a good trainer and are taking her advice to heart. She’s got such a great guardian. Great work!

  2. Small things can have a great impact indeed. Cora, you are small but I know you’re going to touch a lot of people in such amazing ways.

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